yayacosplay on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yayacosplay/art/Lulu-FFX-10-Additional-pics-134663761yayacosplay

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Lulu - FFX 10: Additional pics



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I am uploading a few more photos of Lulu to for the Blue Print article by Myana. Please follow the link for a detailed interview on how I made this costume!

Photos by Meg Hanson

Note: This was the first version of Lulu, where I still had a white fur trim on the corset. I soon replaced it with a more accurate brownish fur trim, as seen in my other photos. Also note the awesome Moogle plushie, made by my friend Cat www.sewinggoddess.com and given to me as a gift. I had clear strings attached to him and would stand him up in front of me for pics at cons lol. And he also had a hidden pouch on his back! Cat is so awesome.
Image size
732x600px 165.97 KB
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thats the best cosplay i ever sawHeart